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May 12, 2022

Topical Vitamin C: Skin food from the outside
July 25, 2022Men are increasingly taking care of their skin in ways that perhaps used to embarrass some. Shedding the toxic-masculinity myths (toxic can be an especially relevant word to describe the action of not taking care of one’s skin), men are realizing that skin care is more than cosmetic vanity. Skin care is health care. While men everywhere are getting keen to the fact that sunscreen is a must, here in the high desert this is especially true. Men have a distinct set of common and mostly preventable skin issues. So, what steps besides sunscreen are needed to keep your skin healthy?
1 First, ditch the body and/or deodorant bar as facial cleanser routine. Cleansing with high alkaline, over the counter body bars will strip your acid mantle and quite possibly lead to both excessively oily and/or super dry skin. And, you could also end up with a very unpleasant condition known as asphyxiated skin. This condition has elements of excess oil and excess dryness joined together. These extremes are prime indicators of a compromised barrier system. When the barrier system is compromised, more serious issues can easily set in. Contact dermatitis, flakiness, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, itchiness, sagging skin, loss of collagen and elastin fibers and redness are a few potential issues you risk when using inferior and inappropriate products on your facial skin.

2 Second, use a non-alcoholic toner to neutralize the skin’s pH after cleansing. This one step is often ignored, but when utilized will make your skin very happy. Plus, misting on a toning lotion activates all the pores on your face, giving them a workout, and helps to keep your skin toned (pun unavoidable). What’s more, toner also preps your skin for what’s next.
3 Third, find a light and gentle moisturizer with some SPF in it. At Oasis, we have several moisturizers well suited for men’s skin with a slight degree of SPF, suitable for those days when you will be in and out of your car a bit, in front of blue screens at the office, or otherwise inside. You will want a sport SPF for your outdoor activities. We also have many to replace the need for a separate daytime moisturizer for these occasions.
Ingrown hairs are another problem for men that can be greatly reduced by following appropriate skin care protocols.
Aside from thoroughly cleansing out your pores and helping with any ingrown hairs, the estheticians at Oasis Med Spa can help you discover the skin care products and rituals that will lead you to a lifetime of healthy skin. We will also help you find the right home care system for your specific skin type.
Preparing for your men’s facial is easy. All you need to do is shave a couple hours beforehand.
In summary, if you don’t want to look 60 when you’re 45 and instead look younger than your years for yourself, your partner and your family, now is the time to begin loving your skin!
Call us today at 505-314-1444 to book your appointment.