CoolSculpting Elite
in Albuquerque, NM
If you are dealing with stubborn fat or want to sculpt certain areas of your body without downtime, think about Coolsculpting Elite as an alternative. Should you have questions and want a quick response, send us an e-mail from our Contact Page. All consultations for Coolsculpting Elite are complimentary.
Fear no mirror with a non-invasive procedure that permanently reduces fat. This FDA approved procedure can treat those problem areas such as the chin, love handles, thighs, stomach, and other places prone to collecting fat.
Introducing Zimmer Z Wave Technology
We are excited to announce that our office offers CoolSculping Plus Treatment! This treatment includes CoolSculpting, the most trusted noninvasive permanent fat removal technology, and Zimmer Z Wave sound wave technology. Z Wave enhances body contouring results by transmitting powerful sound waves onto and through the skin. This energy is delivered via an electromagnetic applicator, then spreads out radially and penetrates the skin and deeper soft tissues. The body responds to the sound waves with increased metabolic activity in the form of lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation. This technology enhances the outcome and recovery when used following a CoolSculpting treatment.

CoolSculpting® Elite is the most trusted noninvasive, permanent fat removal technology available.
Liposuction is no longer the only answer to shed that unwanted fat. Coolsculpting Elite does not involve the risks or downtime like traditional liposuction.
CoolSculpting Elite, an FDA cleared technology, freezes fat causing the fat to crystallize, also known as
"cryolipolysis" which is then naturally eliminated from your body without a single blade, incision or stitch. Treatments can be completed within 1-2 hours depending on the area being treated. There is practically no downtime or discomfort with CoolSculpting Elite as most people return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. CoolSculpting Elite non-invasively targets those stubborn areas like love handles, muffin tops, saddle bags, other large deposits around the abdomen, waist, buttocks, and thighs. It can also treat small hard to reach pockets of fat in areas like the chin, bra area and knee area.
When you come to Oasis Med Spa for CoolSculpting Elite you will be treated in a relaxing spa setting. Most of our patients can work on their laptops, play on their phones, sleep, or watch their favorite show on Netflix. What sets us apart is the treatment you will receive by our certified staff in CoolSculpting. All our procedures are performed by registered nurses not just technicians. They have completed their training at CoolSculpting University in California. Their medical knowledge, dedication to their field of work and their compassion for you, their patient, will translate into the best treatment results possible.
We will help you design a comprehensive plan to assist you in reaching your desired goals. It is important to remember that it takes a minimum of 2-4 treatments to achieve optimal results.
Is CoolSculpting right for you?
If you like the idea of an alternative to liposuction with no anesthesia, little discomfort, minimal downtime, and risk then the answer is “YES”. CoolSculpting Elite will contour your body and permanently remove stubborn area of fat that won’t budge no matter what you try whether you are a man or woman.
- Double Chin
- Arms (the bye-bye that keeps waving after you stopped)
- Front and upper back (bra bulge area)
- Gynecomastia
- Abdomen
- Flanks/”Muffin Top”
- Banana roll
- Inner and Outer thighs
- Top and side of knee
CoolSculpting Elite is a body sculpting procedure aimed at eliminating excess fatty tissue to reveal a more even body contour. It is not a weight loss treatment. Results are permanent if a healthy lifestyle is maintained.