Celluma Elite LED Therapy Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Phototherapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields.
LED therapy is a highly versatile modality and can be used as a powerful stand-alone or add-on treatment with most services. For maximum benefit, a 30-minute treatment is recommended. Whenever possible use over clean, dry, bare skin as lotions, creams, serums and clothing may decrease effectiveness by restricting light penetration.
Blue, red and near-infrared are the most commonly used wavelengths in LED phototherapy. These specific wavelengths are well researched and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits. Blue penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill P.acnes bacteria. Red penetrates the dermal layer and has been shown to enhance collagen and elastin production through photo-biostimulation of fibroblasts. Near-infrared penetrates deepest and increases micro-circulation (tissue repair), decreases inflammation, and attenuates pain.
Research has shown that phototherapy can:
Increase Circulation
Accelerate Tissue Repair
Kill Acne Bacteria
Decrease Inflammation
Improve Skin Tone and Texture
Ease Muscle and Joint Pain
Ease Stiffness
Minimize Muscle Spasms
Reduce Arthritis Pain

Frequently Asked Questions
(Macrophage cells exposed to red light therapy release cytokines that stimulate the production of growth factors influencing the inflammatory process, healing, and wound repair).